Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Technology Review - Kahoot!

Kahoot! is a great and free website/app for teachers where they can create quizzes, surveys and discussions. It is a game that can be played as a class. Teachers can create a multiple-choice question game on any given subject. If a teacher does not want to create their own game they can play the games that other people have created and have made public. In the game there can be up to four answer choices, the teacher can put a limit on how much time students have to answer the question before time runs out. The students can answer the questions using an iPad, tablet, or computer. Students make up a username which allows them see who is number one on the scoreboard. 

Kahoot! can be used in the classroom as a fun way to reinforce any subject a teacher has introduced or is planning on introducing. A lot of the time, students get bored of just sitting at their desks listening to the teacher for hours at a time. By playing Kahoot! students will have a chance to participate in a fun and educational learning experience. Teachers can create a game as a way of introducing a new topic. By doing this, teachers can see what students already know and what they need help on. This will help teachers figure out what areas they will need to focus on a little more. In addition, teachers can create a Kahoot! and use it as a way to study for an upcoming test. I have personally seen Kahoot! in action in a fifth grade classroom before. It seemed to me that the students really enjoyed it because they got to compete against their classmates and were eager to advance to the next question. They also seemed to like the pressure of trying to answer the questions before the timer stopped. When using technology like Kahoot! or any other type of technology in a classroom, teachers should keep in mind that connection problems are always a possibility. This can result in a loss of time, which can be inconvenient for some teachers. Aside from that, Kahoot! is an awesome way for teachers to review different subjects while students have a fun, hands on learning experience.


  1. Hi Brenda! Kahoot is a tool that I have found successful in my classroom. The students are always highly engaged when we use it and love to see immediately how they are doing compared to their classmates. I have, on occasion, had connectivity issues or lack of technology issues but have been able to have students work as a team or even use their cell phone to be able to participate. I like using Kahoot as a lesson review or concept review before moving on or preparing for a quiz/test. The problem I run into is that my students ask daily to do Kahoot again and are bummed out if I don't use it all the time!

  2. Brenda, Kahoot seems like a fun and interactive way for students to practice and study new information. For teachers, it is nice that they are able to track the progress of students and see who is understanding the information and who may need more help. This seems like an easy to use program and I like how teachers are able to share easily with their students the quizzes. I think it's important to keep student's interests in lessons, and this is a great way to make learning fun and have students compete with one another. Thank you for sharing this great program, and I definitely want to use this in the future!

  3. Hello Brenda! I think this website seems like a fun tool to use in a classroom. Something else that stands out to me is the ability to use other peoples quizzes that are made private. Since teaching is all about sharing your successes with other educators this allows teachers to find something they did in their class beneficial and share it with other educators. It also seems as though this would keep kids engaged in learning since they get to use technology and it is more appealing than pen and paper work.

  4. Hi Brenda, Kahoot looks like a website that students will really love. Competition in classroom works well with students, especially at the Middle School level. What a great tool for a teacher to be able to create their own tests or use tests that were already created to save time. Student engagement is the greatest struggle a teacher has and using this type of technology makes it fun. Also, having students use a computer or an Ipad tablet, will help them with familiarity with the devices in the future.

  5. Hi Brenda,
    Kahoot is a very exciting way to get students engaged in the classroom while learning the material. Students love to compete, to play games and to get the results right away. It is interactive, fun and promotes participation. Teachers can track student progress, evaluate which subject is being learned better and focus on areas of deficiency. I’ve had experience with Kahoot as a student taking quizzes, and it was a great practice and learning tool. It served as a great lesson review which really helped me get prepared for a test.

  6. Hello Brenda,
    I have used this app before in my physics class. I think it is a very fun and useful app. It is great for a class to use when it comes to reviewing before a test. I like how it allows each student to participate with just his or her phones and letting him or her know if the answer they chose was right or wrong. I also like how tis app allows the teachers to know what else they need to review because of the answer percentage it shows from the students.

  7. Hey Brenda, I LOVE THIS! What a fun way to ensure that students are learning. I think I would be excited to review for a test or assessment in high school, if this was available back then. I always hated doing reviews in class, because I would be embarrassed if I got the answer wrong. This program seems to have eliminated that, due to the fact the students use their mobile technology to receive feedback. So cool.
