People’s Pie is a game from iCivics that allows students to take on different civic roles so they can learn how to deal with real world issues. In People’s Pie, you act as the government. You are then in charge of balancing/managing the federal budget. The first step in the game is to set tax rate levels and a retirement age, the funds are then provided based on the choices you made. Once you set the retirement age and level of tax, you are then able to see the citizen’s level of satisfaction. If the citizens are unhappy you have to change certain decisions that were previously made to make the citizens happy again. Once this first step is complete, you move on and have a set budget to spend on the different departments in government. The departments are: Treasury & Finance, Social Security & Medicare, Defense & Military, Agriculture, Energy, Water & Environment, Homeland Security, Health & Human Services, State & Foreign Affairs, Transportation, Housing & Urban Development, and Education. In each stage you must decide if you are going to cut or fund certain programs. Before you approve the funding you must take into consideration the citizens approval or disapproval. You have to manage your budget wisely or else you can be in a lot of debt quickly.
As the game progressed, I realized that the citizens cheered when they liked the programs I was funding and they would respond negatively when I would cut programs they liked. I borrowed money to fund programs I thought were important, and before I knew it I was in debt billions of dollars. Trying to pay off the debt was a lot harder than it seemed. In my opinion, it is a challenge to stay debt free throughout the game. I was not able to pay back the debt I had created. After a few rounds I decided to experiment with the tax levels and age retirement to see if that would make a difference in the satisfaction level of the citizens. I noticed that the citizens did not like it when I incremented the retirement age, because their level of satisfaction dropped significantly. People’s Pie is a good way to partially represent the budgeting structure in the United States. In the game, the budget has to be shared among various programs just like in the real world. There were also a few proposals that seemed irrelevant and were things that would most likely never be proposed or funded in real life.
As a future elementary school teacher, I would love to incorporate a game like People's Pie into my fifth grade classroom. Even though this game is geared towards upper grade levels, I think that it can still be played by fifth graders. This game meets the California content standard 11.8.4 “Analyze new federal government spending on defense, welfare, interest on the national debt, and federal and state spending on education, including the California Master Plan.” The People’s Pie opens up the minds of students to the world of federal government and budgeting. If I were to incorporate People’s Pie into my classroom, I would begin the lesson by talking about the current U.S. Federal Government Debt. I would then allow students to come up with a plan on how they would manage the money/decrease the debt if they were in charge. Afterwards, I would form groups and each student would play a different role. Within the groups, students would have to pass bills and manage a budget just like the game. Furthermore, students would then be able to play People's Pie while having a better idea of the concepts, allowing them to have a great gaming experience.